Advice on Lending to Adult Children

Advice on Lending to Adult Children

Lisa Prevost (New York Times) writes about things parents should be aware of when lending money to their children to purchase a home.  Her simple points can help make buying a home as happy as it should be for both parents and children.  We created +Plus down payment protection to make it even better.  Only +Plus goes a step beyond protecting the title and the bank loans, to protect the homebuyer's down payment against uncontrollable market loss.  it was made for situations like this where parents want to help their children achieve the dream they did and their parents did before them.  It was also made for these modern homebuyers who require flexibility and control of their home - not the other way around.  If they want to move, they can and not be stuck in a negative financial situation for them or their parents.

Millennials -- Why They're Buying Homes and Why They're Not

Millennials -- Why They're Buying Homes and Why They're Not

The Huffington Post writes that while almost 70% of millennials are looking to buy a home within the next year, there are still two major areas of concern: (1) affordability, which has been a hot topic for a while, and (2) fear, which has been less discussed.  Removing fear from the equation through products like down payment protection will help these first-time buyers who want to buy a home move off the sidelines.