Down Payment Protection: Fuel for the Housing Market

Down Payment Protection: Fuel for the Housing Market

The average home stays on the market for about 75 days before a sales contract. If you sell real estate, wouldn’t it be nice to consistently beat that average? And to have more buyers bidding your sale prices up?

Of course. The real question is where do you find these new buyers?

Well, a lot of them are sitting on the sidelines wishing for a home but leery of what they saw (or experienced firsthand) in the housing market collapse of 2007. A good number of them have down payments in hand – either in their savings accounts or starter home equity – but they’re loath to risk their hard-earned nest eggs.

Economists have spelled out the solution for decades: Buyers simply need the same level of protection everyone else in the transaction enjoys. Specifically, they need down payment protection. 

Now it's here...

Unlike their parents, Millennials don’t dream of a white picket-fence McMansion

 For decades, the “white picket-fence house” was the epitome of the American Dream, and an instantly recognizable icon in pop culture. Between 1950 and 1970, 18 of our country’s top 25 cities suffered a net loss of residents despite steady population growth in America overall. In the same period, suburban population more than doubled.

Recently, there has been mounting evidence that urbanization has reemerged to reverse decades of uninterrupted suburbanization of American. The U.S. Census Bureau reports urban population growth now outpaces rest of the nation. It is more than a matter of organic population migration and urban planning; what is also interesting is that it is symptomatic of the shifting ideals of the next generation of Americans.

According to the latest ValueInsured Modern Homebuyer Survey, “owning a home in the city” is now the number-one American Dream housing arrangement, ahead of “owning in the suburb”, “owning in the country”, “renting in the city”, “renting in the suburb”, and “renting in the country”. 26% of Millennials and 25% of Gen Xers want most to own in the city as their personal American Dream, compared to 11% of Baby Boomers surveyed who said the same. In contrast, Baby Boomers expressed the highest desire to own a home in the suburbs, at 35%.

Millennials are not only increasingly city bound, they are also leaving the “MacMasion” housing ideal behind. When asked to rank the most desirable criteria in a home, Millennials in our Spring 2016 survey ranked “safety of the neighborhood” and “affordability of the home” ahead of “size of the home”. Only 12% of Millennials ranked size as their top criterion, and one-third ranked size as one of the least important criterion of their ideal home.




Americans agree parents should help adult children buy a home

Americans agree parents should help adult children buy a home

Compared to generations before them, it has been speculated that Baby Boomers are some of the most generous parents in modern American history, especially when it comes to supporting their adult children’s housing needs. A recent Pew Research Center study found 32% of adults 18-34 are living in their parents’ home, more than there are Millennials living with a partner or spouse, or living alone.  

However, according to findings from the latest ValueInsured Modern Homebuyer Survey, Baby Boomers will likely be outdone by Gen-Xers and Millennials when it comes to parental generosity. More Americans increasingly agree than disagree that parents should help their adult children purchase a home.

Boost in housing confidence could help convert renters to first-time homeowners

Boost in housing confidence could help convert renters to first-time homeowners

This may be a familiar scenario to many real estate professionals. A promising buyer finds a suitable home after extensive house hunting. A mortgage has been pre-approved; the buyer has the down payment in place and the income to afford the new home. And then…cold feet. Or here’s another one: a home seller sits in a lackluster open house, knowing they have priced their home very competitively, and wonders why there aren’t more interested buyers making offers. 

Huffington Post - To Grow the Economy, Give First Time Homebuyers Real Confidence

Keith Mestrich, President & CEO of Amalgamated Bank

This may come as a surprise to you, but I’m not a Millennial. I do know a few people, though, who fall into this huge group that is now coming of age. One question I often see in the media or hear in private discussion is, “why won’t these kids settle down and buy homes? Don’t they want to live the American Dream?”

To that question, there’s a simple answer: of course they do. But if you grew up during the 2008 housing crisis, how comfortable would you be buying a home?

For most people, the down payment on a house is the single largest check they’ll ever write. That comes with an understandable level of anxiety. A recent Harris poll found that only 38% of Millennial non-homeowners have the confidence they can afford a down payment to buy a home. What happens, the rest wonder, if the market shrinks again? Buying a home is a lifestyle decision, but it’s also an enormous investment.

Around the time of the crash last decade, some economists started suggesting a novel approach. Banks that give out mortgages back up their risk with insurance, so why shouldn’t homebuyers do the same? Down payment protection is an idea that makes a lot of sense — you buy a home, and if within a few years you have to sell it at a loss due to market factors beyond your control, your insurance covers the difference. When 60% of non-homeowners say they believe buying a home is the best financial investment they can make for themselves and their family, why shouldn’t we make it as safe and easy as possible?

Amalgamated Bank recently launched a new project with a company called ValueInsured to offer the first commercially available down payment protection. For qualified first time homebuyers, we’re even offering it for free. This isn’t about just one bank or one company or one product, though. A full two-thirds of non-homeowners believe owning a home is an important part of the American Dream, and I agree with them. This kind of offering should become standard at any mortgage-granting institution, so people can buy with confidence and keep our economy on the right track.

Going back to 2004, the homeownership rate has fallen for 11 consecutive years. The residential housing sector is an important indicator of the strength of our middle class. As the economy has improved over the last few years, some have wondered whether it’s getting better for everyone, or just the richest Americans. I believe that an economy where an estimated 19 million households of current non-homeowners say they would potentially buy sooner if they could have more confidence in the housing market is an economy with a lot of room left to grow.

It’s not that young people don’t want to buy homes — far from it. The specter of 2008 hangs over everyone, though, and Millennials can’t be faulted for their hesitancy. We need to make it safer to buy a home, so our economy can work for everyone — not just people with huge Wall Street portfolios. That’s the American Dream.

Florida Realtors - Downpayment insurance helps recession-leery buyers

Florida Realtors - Downpayment insurance helps recession-leery buyers

For the first time, buyers can purchase insurance that protects their downpayment if real estate values fall. One Florida bank offers it now, but more should follow.

Developed for modern homebuyers who experienced a drop in real estate prices during the Great Recession, the downpayment protection insurance was created to give skittish buyers some peace of mind.

Amalgamated Bank, which operates in some Florida cities, currently offers the plan by ValueInsured. Going forward, buyers may have to pay for the coverage at closing depending on the bank. The coverage guarantees that they'll receive at least part of their downpayment back if real estate values fall, subject to coverage rules.